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Ages 6 weeks - 18 months old
Needs Met "On Demand"
Develop Movement
Promote Exploration
This is where a child’s education begins. In our classroom the children explore and learn throughout our daily routines. Our goal is to guide, protect and nurture each child as he or she grows. This way, trust is built, which is essential in order for a baby to be successful in the journey through development. All of the babies’ needs are met “on demand”. When a baby is sleepy, he sleeps, when he’s hungry, he eats, and when he is ready to play, he plays. An adult is always present and ready to ensure that all of this can happen when it needs to happen. This is an exciting time of growth, when the child learns to sit up, to crawl, to stand, to walk, and begins to talk. Our room is equipped to enable all of this to happen, with room for all kinds of movement and exploration. If a child is tired and ready to rest, there is always someone ready to hold and comfort, and a quiet spot to sleep. There are always at least two if not three faculty members in the room at a time.
Tiana Culler
Teaching Assistant
Infant Room
Marylis Rosario
Teaching Assistant
Infant Room
Childcare subsidies are available for RCC student-parents who are taking classes online or in person!
For more information or to schedule a tour,
please contact us at 845-574-4561.
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